500 Series
This is a joint project between RRinaBox, MTH and RAILKING ELECTRIC TRAINS to encourage the beginner to embark on a first layout. Track plans are designed for MTH RealTrax, with designations on the patterns to show where specific track is to be placed. Other track brands can be used with modifications--talk to a RRinaBox personal layout consultant (e-mail & phone # listed below). O scale trains with O-31 standard curves work very well with the 500 Series. This series is suitable for S scale and On-30. Below are products available in this scale:
500 A & B $159.95
500 MTH O/S Scale A&B. The basic modular set of A & B make a 4’0”x5’4” layout. This is ideal for small apartments and seasonal/holiday use. For easy storage, the modules nest to create a RRinaBox that is 32”x40”x24”. Drawings include two tunnel portals, two girder bridges, a truss bridge, retaining walls, viaduct, and city/townscape area with streets, curbs and sidewalks. Water areas with waterfall and river bed are included.
* 12 drawings, each 36”x42”.
* 1 hour instructional DVD
* 72 page illustrated handbook, that includes
material lists, tools and assembly instructions
and 8 pages of track plans for all tastes and
* 3” tube for lamination.
502 C $49.95
502 MTH O/S Scales C. This C module is an ingenious method for expanding your layout on its way becoming an empire. By using multiple C modules you can make your layout as long as you like. One C module inserted between the A&B modules make a layout 4’0”x8’0”. Foamcore construction makes bolting easy, and can de disassembled for storage/transport. The addition of one C module adds 2 bridges, longer trains, additional town and scenery space (a RR yard enhances any layout), and a dock to your layout.
* 5 drawings, each 36”x42”.
505 A, B & C $199.95
505 MTH O/S Scales A+C+B. These drawings combine the two previous products. This builds a layout 4’0”x8’0”. This is the most popular size for a layout; therefore, this set of drawings is our best seller. Even this layout can be expanded with additional C modules to make it longer and, in the future, modules to expand the width. Read description above for complete contents.
* 17 drawings, each 32”x42”.
* 1 hour instructional DVD
* 32 page illustrated handbook, that includes
material lists, tools and assembly instructions
and 8 pages of track plans for all tastes and
* 3” tube for lamination.
506 D, E & F $49.95
507 G, H & I $49.95